Sunday, March 25, 2007

Week 3: (Portal Frame Construction)
This week we asked to do a section through a simple portal frame showing the componetns and connections. The main thing to take note of is the conenction between the roof and cladding through a fascia girt and cleat. The other major connection is between the roof components including the purlin and rafter to the universal beam. These components are connected through a 12mm plate welded between the rafter and the ub as shown below.

Here are some examples of portal frame construction. These pictures are of a childcare facility and it shows the capabilites of steel construction that interesting and creative buildings can be acheived.

Here are photos of more capabilites of steel, including curved rooves, something which other products wouldn't be able to acheive in some cases, steel is a very versitile product and these photos show this.

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